Postcards from New York
I have been sitting here reminiscing about my trip to New York City last month and thought I would share some vacation snapshots with you. Sorry they're a bit low-res, all pics were taken with my phone. Those who know me will know that my phone (HTC One Max) is my absolute most-prized possession, it is as big as my face and I like to hide behind it in public. Perhaps one day I will get a DSLR(?) and start snapping blog-worthy pictures, but until then I hope this collection of moments from my trip will make you feel like you were there with me.

Highlights included:
I am not such a stranger to NYC as I have had the good fortune of having family and dear friends there since I was little. I also spent 3 months interning at Anna Sui back in my St Martins days. Nevertheless, it had been a good few years since my last trip to New York so I felt more than obliged to plan a visit. Our main agenda was to wander around everywhere, eat 7 meals a day and hang out with some old pals.

The Charles James exhibition at the Met. Each dress had a screen next to it playing infographic videos of how the garment was constructed. The ingenuity of Charles James' pattern cutting is unparalleled, I couldn't get my head around the engineering of each ball gown. Very clever man.
Cereal Milk soft-serve. New York's food scene needs no introduction so I will not bore you with a list of places we ate at. All I can say is we stuffed ourselves with no abandon and Momofuku's cereal milk soft serve is, without a shadow of a doubt, the best thing I have ever eaten. It tastes like Saturday morning cartoons.
- Visiting the Anna Sui studio.It's been 6 or 7 years since my internship there and it was lovely to see some familiar faces. I'm always apprehensive whether people will remember me after a certain time has passed (those of you with uncommon names will know the feeling) and I was thrilled that they did. After my internship I continued to design T-shirt prints every season for Anna Sui and being back there inspired me to get cracking on some new ideas for them. Below is one of the designs I did for them last year.
Spotting Sesame Street filming on 5th Avenue. I love puppets and couldn't believe it when we saw Sesame Street on location. We suspect it was Murray interviewing some kids. I had to refrain from running up and hugging him.
Sky Writing in Brooklyn. We were basking like seals on a friend's rooftop when this plane spelled out 'Existence or Nonexistence' over our heads. A sign from the heavens perhaps?
I could go on and on about the wonderful things we did, New York is a city that is infinitely impressive and entertaining. I am reinvigorated to seek out more USA stockists so I might have more reasons to hop over the Atlantic!