London take 2
Hello! I write to you surrounded by a fortress built of books and clothes... yup, I'm packing again! A bit of news on the professional and personal front, I am relocating to London and bringing Book of Deer with me! Life has thrown me an exciting opportunity to live in London again after 3 years in Hong Kong. The distance may be far but I have been going between these 2 special cities for a chunk of my life so I am not too daunted by the thought of flying back and forth. Book of Deer has many roots in HK so I will still be coming back a few times a year during key moments of production. So London, my second home, will become my primary home once again. Till when, I'm still not sure. However, I look forward to bringing my brand to more girls and shops in the UK. I'm sure that London, being the creative and inspiring city that it is, will add a new dimension to the Book of Deer brand. Orders and posting will continue as normal, still completely free and efficient as always. And to mark my big move I'm offering 15% off anything from our AW13 collection with code IHEARTLONDON